I Talk to Inspire

I have always been passionate about inspiring others through my teachings. My goal is to help you uncover your special gift and encourage you to take the next step towards achieving your dreams. It's all about finding fulfillment and igniting that passion within you. I believe in making "bite-size" changes that lead to big results. Let's work together to find your true self, set meaningful goals, and create actionable plans for success.



The Formula for Fulfillment

We all have a special gift, something unique that sets us apart from others. It's important to take the time to discover what that gift is and find ways to use it to make a positive impact in the world. Following a simple 3-step formula learned from animals, we can make a lasting impact and find true fulfillment in our lives. So, why wait? Take the leap and start making a difference today.


Trust Your Animal Instincts

There is a deep well of wisdom within each of us that we often overlook. Our intuition, gut feeling, or our "animal instincts," can be a powerful tool in getting to know ourselves better. When we tap into our intuition, we are tapping into a deeper level of understanding and insight. Learning to listen to these signals can help us to gain a better understanding of ourselves and our needs. Find out what your signals are saying about you!


Choose Extraordinary

Welcome to our seminar on pushing your comfort zone and stretching like a Dachshund. We often set goals that are safe and easily achievable, but why not aim higher? We should set lofty goals that challenge us and make us grow. Think bigger and go for the extraordinary. When we push our comfort zone and aim for bigger things, we can achieve more than we ever thought possible. So, let's challenge ourselves to think bigger and set goals that seem impossible at first. It's time to become more and achieve our full potential. See you at the seminar!


You Can Teach an Old Person New Tricks

It's a common misconception that as we get older, our brains stop growing and learning becomes more difficult. However, the concept of neuroplasticity shows that our brains have the ability to change and adapt, even into old age. This means that we can continue to learn and grow, no matter how old we are. Find out why you should continue to learn, even as you age!


Animals have so much to teach us about living a joyful and fulfilling life. They show us how to live in the present moment, love unconditionally, and find joy in the simple things. Whether it's our pets at home or observing wildlife in nature, there is so much we can learn from their behavior and attitudes.

My unique approach focuses on applying techniques and strategies used in Veterinary Medicine and the animal behavior world to help people find more joy and fulfillment in their lives. Through my talks, books, workshops, and resources, I aim to show people how they can apply these lessons to their own lives and achieve their goals in a simple, easy, and fun way.

So, let's embark on this journey together and learn from our animal friends. Let's open our hearts and minds to the wisdom they have to offer and make the process of achieving our goals a joyful, fulfilling and memorable experience.

Dr. Teresa Woolard

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