Meet Dr. Woolard... Veterinarian, Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur

If you want to achieve your goals and become a master of change, you have to be willing to take the leap. It's not easy, and it can be scary, but the rewards are worth it. Dr. Woolard has made radical changes in her life, going from a practicing veterinarian to a self-published author selling over 400,000 books, becoming an award-winning entrepreneur and a National Fitness competitor. These are the kind of changes that can transform your life and now, Dr. Woolard wants to help you experience a more fulfilling life, too!

the inspiration

A serial entrepreneur for 30+ years, I have followed my intuition and values to "take the leap" in using my gift and making an impact that brings me, and others, great joy. Through a simple process learned from years of observing animal behavior patterns and their approach to life, I believe I can help you to find your true self, take the leap of change for more joy and fulfillment and learn how to fun again. And isn't that what we all want out of life? To have fun, seek fulfillment, make an impact and become the person we were meant to be? This is my philosophy, and I would be thrilled to help you in your life's journey to get there.


Personal Goals and Fulfillment

My Dig-Leap-Play book and course (coming soon) will help you understand the importance of digging to find your gift, taking the right action steps toward your goals, and incorporating more rewards and play into your life. You will realize that it's not as hard as you think to make the necessary changes in your day-to-day activities to reap the ultimate reward and many benefits of finding joy and fulfillment in your life.

Business and Career

Having started several businesses from scratch in three different industries - Sales, Veterinary and Hospitality, I can help guide you with brand building, leadership development, marketing and CRM management. To better understand your individual needs and to see if we are a fit together, let's have a brief consultation. I look forward to meeting you!

Improved Health and Fitness

My top value is my health which is why I am a strong advocate of getting in, and maintaining, good health and fitness overall. We need to be our own advocates over our health - emotional, physical and brain. If you are serious about improving your health, my Dig-Leap-Play book and course will help you understand your values, align your fitness goals to your schedule and help you not only be successful but enjoy the process. Hop on the fitness train today and let me guide you. And remember, the earlier the better!

Teresa's Quotes

"The key to fulfillment isn't re-inventing who you've been, it's discovering who you've become."

"Achievement is only half the equation to finding happiness."

"People say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, well I say...Fire the Trainer! And the trainer is You!"


What is a "GIFT" and why should I bother to know or care what mine is?

Finding and using your gift is more than just having a talent or skill; it's about finding something that brings you true fulfillment and joy. When you have a gift, it feels effortless and natural to use it, and it aligns with your deepest values and passions. It's something that you can do tirelessly and love to share with others. When you tap into your gift, you open up opportunities for yourself and bring more joy and fulfillment into your life. So, take the time to explore and discover what your gift is.

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How can I make more of an impact with my life?

By knowing your gift, setting lofty goals, having a plan to take daily action, and surrounding yourself with a supportive pack, you will not only achieve success, but also become unstoppable in pursuing your dreams. So go out there and become the person you desire to be. It's time to ignite your spark and unleash your full potential!

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What makes Dr. Teresa Woolard different from other authors and speakers?

Dr. Teresa Woolard distinguishes herself through a unique approach that prioritizes your unique needs and goals yet focuses on making the journey practical, efficient and fun. She cares and is dedicated to providing a supportive and empathetic environment that fosters growth and transformation. Through a wide range of skills, knowledge and experiences in a variety of industries, you can be assured to receive the expertise that aligns with your specific objectives, whether they involve personal development, career advancement, or health and fitness improvement. Dr. Woolard has done it all, and now is "chomping at the bit" to help you!

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