self-help for staff

Promote Personal Development to Your Staff

February 01, 20242 min read

“The world of personal development can't be underpromoted; it's a necessity these days to stay current, growing and knowledgeable” - Dr. Teresa Woolard


Having been a student of Personal Development since age 19, I have personally seen and felt the benefits of feeding your mind with good thoughts and words of wisdom from other authors, speakers and leaders in which I was able to motivate myself to do and achieve a number of great things in my life.

I used to always attend a seminar thinking that if I leave having learned just "one nugget" that it was worth it. Of course, learning something is good, but applying that nugget is golden!


A few years ago, I wanted to instill this gift of personal development with my millennial-aged staff members at my business as a token benefit of working under my leadership. Not knowing if they would be interested or not, I bought them each a copy of Robin Sharma's book, The Saint, the Surfer and the Ceo. I encouraged them to read 1-3 chapters a week and then be ready to discuss the learnings every Friday as a group before starting work.

This task seemed uncomfortable for them at first, but soon they got to love and look forward to our Friday meetings. I also enjoyed these sessions as it was my way to give back and help them grow personally and spiritually for very little cost - just my time really.

Educating and mentoring is FREE.

The connection we made and the thought-provoking discussions we had during these sessions was truly up-lifting.

I encourage all business owners and managers to start a weekly or at least monthly Book Club with your team to encourage them to grow outside of the tasks required for their work.

Everyone loves to learn.

If you're not learning and growing, you're stagnant When your team is learning and growing in many different aspects by working for you, you likely will have a more loyal, connected and happier group!

So, keep reading, leading and learning, no matter what age, and encourage others to do the same! ☺️

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Dr. Teresa Woolard

Dr. Teresa Woolard is an author, speaker, and veterinarian who draws on her education, both formal and experiential, and unique perspective of learning from animals to inspire and motivate.

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