changing careers

Be Open for Change - 3 Ways to Change Your Career

February 01, 20243 min read

“If you don't take the leap, you won't reap the reward.” - Dr. Teresa Woolard

Be Open to Change - 3 Ways To Transform Your Career

We are increasingly spending more and more time at work, so being happy and content in your career is a real priority. There may come a time in your job when you realize that things are no longer making you happy and decide that it is time for a change.

Changing your career can be intimidating, especially if you have been in the same job or career for a lengthy period of time. To help you, here are three things that you need to know to transform your career and make the changes that you want.

Be Aware of What you Need or Want

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The first thing you need to do when you are considering a career change is to take stock of your existing situation. This means reflecting on where you are, what you want, and what you want to change.

Are you unhappy with your specific workplace, or with the whole nature of your job? Would you like to move to a new role, but stay in the same industry, or is it time for a complete career change? Would you like to study? What about location - are you keen to stay in the local area, or are you happy to relocate? 

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By taking some time to figure out where you are happy or unhappy, you are in a better position to move forward with a clear, confident plan.

Do Your Research

Once you have a better idea of what you want and the things that you want to change, it is time to get researching. Do a job search to get an overview of the openings and opportunities that are available in your field. Speak to people in your existing company to see if there is any possibility of switching roles or taking on a leadership position. Supervisors or Managers love to see self-initiative!

This can also be a great chance to consider whether you would benefit from any extra study or training in order to pursue your new career aspirations. See not only which courses may be relevant, and also to research any funding or financial assistance that you may be entitled to. It’s always good to continue learning - you grow your brain and ideas but keep you relevant and more open to additional opportunities.

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Don’t worry about restarting at an older age. A growing number of people are changing career paths later in life, and you are likely to be in good company. In older age, you are not only wiser, but studies show that you are also more confident, definitely have a lot of experience and wisdom to share and bring a wealth of perspective and skills to the table to even help others in your class. You may even find that you want to teach!

Be Confident and Take A Chance

Changing your career can be a scary thought, especially if you have been relatively settled. This is one area however, where you won’t know until you try, so why not give it a go, explore your options, and find out everything you need to know?

interview a mentor

If possible, try to get a little experience in the field that you are keen to move into - use your contacts! Interview a number of people who are doing what you are doing. Find out what they like and don’t like about their role. See if you can shadow them for a day or so before committing to a new role or job. 

Final Thoughts

We spend a lot of time at work, so make sure the job you are in is fulfilling and invigorating. Life is too short to be unhappy!

Do Your Dig, Take the Leap, and Celebrate your Progress.

(And the fact that You stretched outside of your comfort zone). Good for You!

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Dr. Teresa Woolard

Dr. Teresa Woolard is an author, speaker, and veterinarian who draws on her education, both formal and experiential, and unique perspective of learning from animals to inspire and motivate.

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