running woman with dog

Your Health is Your #1 Priority

February 03, 20245 min read

“The groundwork for all happiness is good health.” - Leigh Hunt

Your Health Should Be Your #1 Priority


In my opinion, your health should be the #1 priority in your life. Because without your health, you cannot be helpful to yourself nor to others that you care about, like your family, your pet, and perhaps staff and clients. It’s easy to say to yourself that you’ll go for a walk or workout tomorrow and then when tomorrow rolls around, say the same thing because other important things suddenly landed in your lap. Stop putting your health on the back burner. If you leave it unattended, it could “boil over” on you. Then you could be in hot water.

pot of boiling water


Health seems to be something that's largely taken for granted. We feel invincible until it fails us. Or we only think about it when we’re getting old, which is not the right approach and some would say, is too late then (by the way it’s never too late to start). Prevention is the key here. If you take preventative action, you'll not only feel better, but your body will thank you by adding years onto your life and quality into your life!


Improve your Health for the Right Reasons

 Nowadays many North Americans are overweight. As a result, more people than ever are trying to slim down. The problem is many are trying to lose it for the wrong reasons or looking for the latest “quick fix” answer. Trying to lose weight for some event coming up is fine, but it’s short lived. The real reason should be for your overall health, well-being and longevity. You should be in it for the long haul.


Wanting to lose weight for you is better than doing it for someone else. When you try to improve yourself for other people, you can lose sight of your motivation if your relationship changes. The motivation needs to be within you, not someone else. The deeper your commitment to your health, the more difficult it is to cheat on a diet or forego exercise.


It's also important to realize that you must love yourself first before anyone else will. People are drawn to others who have self-confidence and self-respect. When you care about your well-being, not only will you take better care of yourself, but others will be more likely to do the same. You’ll also be amazed at how working your body improves your mind. The confidence meter goes through the roof! Give it a try. It may not be immediate, but over time, you will start feeling like you are on top of the world.

happy woman

 Here are some ways you can put yourself first and take better care of your health:


1.     See your doctor. If you haven't been to see a doctor in a while or are in need of an annual checkup, start by making an appointment to get your health evaluated. This will give you a good foundation for what improvements you need to make and ensure there are no underlying issues before you start a workout program.

doctor visit


2.     Find an exercise routine you can incorporate regularly into your lifestyle. It can be as easy as going for a walk. Just put on your shoes and get outdoors. The fresh air and the walk will do wonders for your health. Consistency is the key here. Try to make it a daily habit. Take your dog with you – it will be an activity that you both look forward to and benefit from.

man and dog walking


3.     Make changes in your diet. Try reducing red meat, refined sugars and alcohol for starters. Increase your fresh fruit and vegetable intake. Be sure to start off each day with a healthy breakfast and don't skip meals. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to not only keep you hydrated but also to help flush any toxins out of your system.



  • When you eat poorly, you're doing a huge disservice to your body. Reduce, or ideally eliminate, processed and deep-fried foods from your diet. You are what you eat, after all. If you eat unhealthy foods, you'll likely end up unhealthy with chronic health issues like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, just to name a few.


  • The healthier foods you eat, the better you'll feel and the stronger you'll become. Consider food your energy and your “medicine.” By selecting the right food choices, your body and mind will respond positively in turn. Your immune system will work optimally, and you’ll more likely prevent (or reverse) some of the more common illnesses and diseases that tend to be related to poor food choices.



4.     Find time to relax. It's imperative to take care of your mental health, also, by incorporating relaxation techniques into your lifestyle. Regular relaxation helps reduce stress and anxiety and recharges you so you can bring more energy and passion to all areas of your life.


  • Consider taking up yoga or meditation.

  • Find time to pursue hobbies you enjoy helping bring you contentment and happiness.

  • Get around others to share a laugh and play games. Laughter can do wonders for your mental well-being.

    people laughing

  • Stretching or going for a walk or run is a great stress reliever and helps clear your mind, let alone move your body.


If you take good care of yourself, you'll be able to enjoy your life to the fullest. Use these tips every day to improve your health and put yourself first. Following a good wellness plan will help keep you fit and boost your energy!

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Dr. Teresa Woolard

Dr. Teresa Woolard is an author, speaker, and veterinarian who draws on her education, both formal and experiential, and unique perspective of learning from animals to inspire and motivate.

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